Page name: torture through pleasure [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-15 20:08:07
Last author: _Einsam_Ein_
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 4
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This page is dedicated to those who torture through pleasure. For you sadists, Masochists, and just peoples who love that stuff, this page is for you to write down your pleasurable torture! Be as graphic as you wish!

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2008-02-26 [Hiro Kitaki]: ermmm...sure?

2008-02-27 [.Toxic Valentine.]: ok .. im .. gonna do a little of it here cause .. i dont want either one of us to go off in a huff...

is everything ok between us?

2008-02-27 [Hiro Kitaki]: sure...everything is cool. message me if you want to talk more.

2008-02-27 [Eyonic]: someone should put up a torture method for here....

2008-02-27 [Hiro Kitaki]: I'll put up ours when were finished k?

2008-02-27 [Eyonic]: that's rather long.... maybe just the wiki name?

2008-02-27 [Hiro Kitaki]: thats what i was saying...but dont put it up till were done k?

2008-02-27 [Eyonic]: okiday

2008-02-29 [.Toxic Valentine.]: i have stuff to put up at some point...

2008-03-01 [Hiro Kitaki]: hey saint of blade fights message me.

2008-03-01 [.Toxic Valentine.]: yeah i will.

2008-03-04 [_Einsam_Ein_]: if you have stuff to put up why not do it?

2008-03-05 [.Toxic Valentine.]: cause its not done.

2008-03-05 [_Einsam_Ein_]: then do it?

2008-03-06 [.Toxic Valentine.]: havent had time :( :( :(

2008-03-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: oh oki now i understand

2008-03-06 [Eyonic]: yup yup

2008-03-06 [_Einsam_Ein_]: okiday

2008-03-06 [Eyonic]: oooo, you are on!!!

2008-03-08 [_Einsam_Ein_]: i was...

2008-03-09 [Eyonic]: lol, darn it!

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